Be aware of callers pretending to be from All In Credit Union asking for account information. Call or text us at 334.598.4411 or visit your local branch if you have concerns.
At All In Credit Union, we’re serious about protecting you from fraudulent activity on your accounts. That’s why we’ve strengthened our defenses with a new, automated system that can identify threats faster, notify you sooner and equip you with the tools you need to take immediate action against fraud. Previously, you would have only received a digital pre-recorded call or a personal call from a live agent if fraud was suspected.
Our New Automated System Includes:
Don’t delay – Please Log in to Online Banking to review and update your contact information to make sure you receive important fraud alerts about your account.
Members should be aware that, while All In Credit Union does monitor fraudulent or suspicious account activity and may proactively contact a member about this activity, we will never call and ask for confidential information such as your entire account number or PIN. Contact 334.598.4411 if you have provided confidential information.