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Be aware of callers pretending to be from All In Credit Union asking for account information. Call or text us at 334.598.4411 or visit your local branch if you have concerns.


    Buy Local Spend Local

    Let's Keep It Local! 

    All In Credit Union is pleased to announce the launch of Buy Local Spend Local, a community investment program that encourages members to shop at locally owned businesses.

    Members who use local businesses partnering with All In and use their All In Debit Card to make purchases have an opportunity to get their purchases reimbursed each month! The Credit Union will randomly choose purchases made at participating businesses and credit up to $25 of their purchase amount.

    Local businesses are invited to participate in the program. After enrolling in the Buy Local Spend Local program, businesses will receive an identifying window cling, obtain a listing on and gain direct promotional access to Credit Union members.

    Locally owned businesses interested in participating in the program are encouraged to contact a branch manager at any location.

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