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All In Credit Union Grant

All In Credit Union Grant

Each year, All In Credit Union is pleased to offer grants to non-profits located in our service area*. These grants, which include prominent naming rights^ for All In, provide funds to deserving organizations to help make a difference in our communities.

The 2024 Grant Application deadline was July 15, 2024. 

Eligible Activities

The funds provided by All In are to be used to make project enhancements that will increase the services provided by the nonprofit organization to benefit members of the community. Be sure to include current, good quality photographs, architectural drawings or artist’s rendering of any property to be enhanced with the application.

Ineligible Activities 

Funds may not be used to purchase alcohol, to fund social activities, ceremonies, banquets, entertainment, lobbying, political activities or as contributions to endowment funds, advertising or to purchase historic artifacts.

Selection of Organization to be Funded

Applications will be ranked and recommended for funding based upon the Grant Application Criteria Scoring System.

All In Credit Union Grant Application Scoring System (up to 100 points)

  • Structure & Finances (Up to 20 points): A description of the organization’s operations and activities, including the ownership and management structure. Explain how the organization reflects a community-based mission.
  • Community Impact (Up to 40 points): Information on the populations and the number of people served; programs and activities; community collaborations and partnerships along with how the naming process would work and the prominence of the All In Credit Union name.
  • Detailed Description of Use of Funds (Up to 30 points): A detailed description of how the grant funds will be spent using a detailed budget, work plan and timetable. Include details of who will perform the work.
  •  Measurements of Success (Up to 10 points): Information about how you measure success and calculate results.

*Service area is comprised of counties with an All In Credit Union Branch location. Organizations in the following counties are eligible: Baldwin, Barbour, Coffee, Conecuh, Covington, Crenshaw, Dale, Escambia, Geneva, Houston, Mobile and Pike Counties in Alabama, Escambia, Jackson, Okaloosa and Walton Counties in Florida and Jackson County in Mississippi.

^All In Credit Union requirement for naming rights does not refer to your entity/organization’s name. Instead, it is a partnership with All In Credit Union to complete a physical project that will be permanently labeled with the All In Credit Union name. Example 1: A city is using the funds to provide playground equipment for a park. All In desires naming rights (including permanent signage) in close proximity to the playground equipment. Example 2: If funds are used to add additional space to an organization’s facility, the All In Credit Union name would be prominently displayed on that wing of the building.