Be aware of callers pretending to be from All In Credit Union asking for account information. Call or text us at 334.598.4411 or visit your local branch if you have concerns.
How it Works
What to Do
Please be aware that many members are receiving text messages that appear to be from All In Credit Union. Currently, the text asks about a SQ* charge.
However, fraudsters often change their tactics, and the message could change into asking about other types of charges. If you receive one of these text messages, which is known as smishing, please do not click on the link.
Delete the text message immediately. Often, fraudsters will send these type of text messages so that you click on the link, and this will download malware that shares your information with cybercriminals.
If you receive a phone call from what appears to be the 334.598.4411 All In Credit Union number, and that person claims to be from Falcon, All In’s card monitoring vendor, DO NOT PROVIDE YOUR UNIQUE ITM PASSCODE. Falcon will not ask you for this and no one ever needs this information. Do not provide your unique ITM passcode to friends or family members. This code is created solely for you and your account protection.
If you believe you are a victim of identity theft, or you know that you have provided personal information (e.g., social security number, member number or unique ITM passcode) over the phone, please call 334.598.4411, extension 1291 immediately.
If you receive a pop-up from Microsoft on your personal computer (PC), with a phone number to call, DO NOT CALL THE PHONE NUMBER. If you call, the scammer will ask you to allow them access to your PC to "make sure hackers have not gained access." The scammer will them tell you to log in to your All In Credit Union Online Banking and then they will show you what appears to be pending fraudulent debit card charges. At this point in the phone conversation, you will be transferred to an "All In Debit Card Fraud" representative to confirm the pending charges. After this, you will be instructed to withdraw all funds from your account to prevent the pending charges from clearing, and you will be told not to inform the Credit Union why you are withdrawing your funds. Lastly, the scammer will direct you to take your funds to a Bitcoin kiosk and they will walk you through how to create an account and deposit those funds so that the scammer can access the account and transfer the funds to themselves.
If you receive a call and the phone number showing on your caller ID is 334.598.4411, please be aware that this might be a scammer calling and NOT All In Credit Union. If the caller tells you that your debit card or online banking has been compromised and asks for your personal information (All In member number, social security number, etc.), DO NOT GIVE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION TO THE CALLER. Also, the scammer might tell you to check your All In account for fraudulent transfers using Online Banking. The scammer could ask if you use a certain device, for example, a MacBook Pro. The scammer will say that he sees a MacBook Pro logging in to the All In account. The scammer has also told members not to log in to Online Banking for the next few days because he is going to monitor the account.
DO NOT GIVE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION TO ANYONE! If you have given out your personal information over the phone, please contact our Fraud Department immediately at 334.598.4411, extension 1291.
Please be aware there are organized crime fraud rings in our area, both in the Wiregrass and Mobile, that are asking for your personal and bank information. The individuals will ask for your debit card and PIN (personal identification number) along with other personal information such as account number or social security number. These individuals may promise to deposit checks for you and help you get FREE money. The checks are counterfeit and when money is removed from your account due to the counterfeit check, you are still responsible for any overdrawn balances. DO NOT GIVE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION TO ANYONE! If you agree to provide any of the information described above to these individuals, you may also be investigated for check fraud, conspiracy to commit bank fraud and other related charges. If you are contacted by someone promising you money, please contact us at 334.598.4411 and ask to speak to our fraud department.
Our Online Security Center brings you safety tips, security notices and the most current scam alerts to help protect you and your security online. Please note that All In Credit Union will not ask for your personal information through text message or unsecure email.
To protect your account, never give your account number, card PIN, online/mobile login information, or any other personal financial information to an unknown caller or suspicious email or text message.
Criminals will try to trick you into providing personal information over email or text, and instead, the links go to the criminal’s fraudulent sites.
Some scammers will send an email saying your online banking, debit, or credit card has been compromised or locked, and you need to enter personal information to reactivate your card. All In will never ask you to give us your personal information for this purpose.
If you feel you have compromised your account in any way due to fraud, please contact us at 334.598.4411 or immediately.
Keep your transactions secure. The internet is a public network. Therefore, it is important to learn how to safeguard your credit union account information, credit card numbers, Social Security number, and other personal data.
Secure your computer. Clicking on the wrong link can leave you open to scammers, hackers, and identity thieves. The Federal Trade Commission's Online Security Page provides information and tips.
Think before you click. Receive an email claiming you can get a very low interest rate on a mortgage if you just click on the link? See an ad on a website that promises you can erase a negative credit score with just one click? Following suspect links like these can lead to a website with a virus designed to steal your information.
If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
- National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
If you feel you have compromised your account in any way due to fraud, please contact us at 334.598.4411 or immediately.