Be aware of callers pretending to be from All In Security asking to verify credit or debit card activity. Call or text us at 334.598.4411 or visit your local branch if you have concerns.
Elder Financial Abuse is one of the leading crimes of our time and one of the reasons that All In Credit Union is dedicated to helping senior adults protect their assets through the Elder Financial Abuse Prevention Program.
Statistics reveal that nearly 1 in 10 elderly Americans has been a victim of elder abuse with an average loss to a victim of $45,000 or more. Such losses are often more when the victim knows the suspect personally. In order to help seniors minimize the risk of becoming a statistic, All In has developed a meaningful solution by allowing elderly members to share the names of trusted individuals who can be alerted any time financial exploitation is suspected.
Sadly, it is not uncommon for third parties to take advantage of the trust and goodwill of seniors. In addition, it is more common for those who are elderly to become disabled, impaired and vulnerable to mistreatment by others. For these reasons, All In Credit Union wants to encourage members in this situation to take advantage of the extra level of security we offer through the Elder Financial Abuse Prevention Program.
Any Credit Union member wishing to add another layer to their financial protection can do so by providing All In with a list of trusted individuals who are authorized to be contacted if there is ever suspicion of financial exploitation. It is important to note that listing someone as a trusted individual does not add them as a joint owner to an account, does not make them a beneficiary of an account and does not give them access to a member’s account in any way. For more information about the Elder Financial Abuse Prevention Program at All In Credit Union, call 334.598.4411 or email