Be aware of callers pretending to be from All In Credit Union asking for account information. Call or text us at 334.598.4411 or visit your local branch if you have concerns.
Beware of Phone Scams (Phishing)
Do not provide your personal or account information including ATM verification codes to callers claiming to be from All In Credit Union. All In will not call you to ask for this information. Text or call us at 334.598.4411 to confirm any suspicious calls.
More Than Just A Bank
Find out how All In Credit Union is committed to giving back and impacting the communities we serve!
Get More with Every Swipe, Every Trip!
The rewards you want with none of the annual fees! When you use your All In Platinum Rewards Card, you can earn points that you can redeem for airline miles, gift certificates and cash back.
Make a Splash with a Home Equity Line of Credit!
Wherever You Go, Video Banking Goes, Too!
With Video Banking, you can meet with an All In financial expert from anywhere at any time.
Enriching the lives of our members and communities isn't just our mission. It's what we do. It's who we are.
We work hard to provide the best products and services, so that you can focus on living your best life.
We have been serving our communities since 1966. As a credit union founded by servicemen, we know the true meaning of serving and putting others first. You can mark your place in our credit union's history by becoming a member-owner today.
204,582 Members
who we put first
35 Locations
ready to serve you
6,277 Hours
of community service in 2024