Be aware of callers pretending to be from All In Credit Union asking for account information. Call or text us at 334.598.4411 or visit your local branch if you have concerns.
Make the Change to What Banking Should Be...
All In Credit Union isn't just about better banking; we’re all in to building better lives and stronger communities. From supporting local causes to empowering individuals through financial literacy, All In goes above and beyond to make a real difference in the lives of our members and neighbors.
Financial Education
Building financial knowledge is key to achieving financial well-being. That’s why the Credit Union offers an innovative online Financial Education Center that provides free financial education modules to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. This education series covers budgeting, saving, responsible credit use and more, equipping participants with the tools they need to make informed financial decisions.
We Give Back
More than just a bank, we are a force for positive change in the communities we serve. Our focus goes beyond financial services to making a meaningful impact through grant funding to local non-profit organizations, volunteer efforts, and supporting our communities with donations and sponsorships. By reinvesting in local projects, supporting education, and empowering small businesses, we aim to give back in ways that create lasting benefits. Together, we’re building stronger, more vibrant communities—because banking at All In Credit Union is people helping people.
All In Grant Program
At All In, we’re passionate about giving back. Since the program’s inception in 2018, the Credit Union has awarded more than $1.50 million in grants to non-profit organizations located in Alabama, Florida and Mississippi. Grant funding is distributed through All In Credit Union’s Helping Hands Foundation and includes contributions from All In members and employees.
Along with grants, All In annually conducts internal drives to raise funds and provides donations to worthy organizations to include:
Scholarship Program
All In also offers the Jim H. Mitchell Scholarship annually to high school seniors seeking to attend a two- or four-year college or university. While this is primarily a need-based scholarship, other criteria such as community involvement, school activities, sports involvement and other factors are taken under consideration for the award. Once scholarships are awarded, All In staff present the scholarships in-person at each school award ceremony.
Donations, Sponsorships and Volunteering at All In
We embrace the power of community. That means we seek to bolster local initiatives in the areas we serve, by providing sponsorships, donations and time to local organizations from youth sports teams to food banks and homeless shelters. We annually provide over 5,000 volunteer hours to hundreds of community organzations for their associated events and activities.